Wednesday, January 16, 2013

De La Rosa Family Reunion

It's been a while.  Sister, mum and moi were all busy not only with the holidays but also with the preparation for the upcoming De la Rosa Clan Reunion.  We, meaning sis, mum and I, were in charge of the program, decorations and invites, respectively.

Since invites go out before the event, I was on a tight schedule to finish the same by this month so they can go out by February and March, since the De la Rosa Clan are spread out all over the country.

Sis and mum also finished the programs and decors.  The programs will be sent out together with the invites, while the decors are ready to put up the day before the reunion.

Below are the invites, the programs and the souvenirs (made by mum) as evidenced of what we've been up to all these time.

Leave us a comment or an email to know what you think of this endeavor, or if you have inquiries. :)